Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sunflower Saturday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Saturday January 12, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Saturday – A Hopeful Day
Lamentations 3:22-23 (KJV)
 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
Thought For The Day:
“What oxygen is to the lungs, hope is to the soul” –Emil Brunner.
Sunflower Saturday, it is such a beautiful day… the sun is out and crisp winter… Remember to be good to yourself and treat yourself… Happy Healthy Eating and Exercising!!!
Planning ahead can help you stick to your weight loss goals. Having a seven-day plan simplifies grocery shopping and meal preparation. It can also help you resist temptation and deal with dieting challenges such as meals out and social occasions. A diet plan for a moderately active person features 1,500 to 1,700 calories per day, composed of a variety of natural, whole foods can be simple to follow, once you stock your pantry.

Exercise And Obesity In Older Adults
In America today concerning exercise and obesity, about half of the population is overweight and about a quarter of the population is obese. Obesity is associated with many conditions that are harmful including;
•High blood pressure
•Gallbladder disease
•Some types of cancer
•Joint problems

Primarily obesity is a result of an imbalance between our energy intake and our energy output. But certainly the difficulty with losing weight is more complicated than that and involves genetics, biological, cultural, social and psychological factors.

Some use dieting alone as a means of weight reduction. But the success rate is not very good. This means that in the long term, weight that was lost through dietary restrictions is often regained plus some.

Basic Strength Training Best Practices

As Personal Trainers, we ask every client what their weekly gym schedule will look like and then we map their goals accordingly. If you are working 1-4 body parts, you will typically need 3 days a week, alternating your work out and rest days. Typically with strength training we see these 2 popular scenarios:
Mon, Weds, Fri
 Tues, Thurs, Sat
Combination Routines are an excellent way to work two body parts that naturally complement each other in one gym session:
Back & Biceps (Back First then Biceps)
Chest & Triceps (Chest First then Triceps)
Triceps & Biceps (Best in Super Sets)
Chest & Shoulders (Chest First)
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps (Chest First or Super Set Chest w/Shoulders and add triceps)
Thighs & Glutes
Hamstrings & Calves
Now Pair your days with your Training Routines.  Example:
Mon = Back & Bi’s
Weds = Chest & Tri’s
Fri = Legs
A Healthy Menu For
Scramble 3 egg whites with 1 oz. lean turkey sausage and have 1 toasted whole-wheat English muffin topped with 2 tsp. of olive oil spread. At lunch, make a large spinach salad with baby spinach, 1/2 cup of pinto beans, 10 matchstick carrots and 2 tsp. of sunflower seeds. Dress with 2 tsp. of balsamic vinegar, 1/2 tsp. of Dijon mustard and 1 tsp. of olive oil. Enjoy a whole-wheat tortilla with 1/4 cup of hummus and a banana on the side. For dinner out, order grilled chicken with steamed vegetables and a large green salad. Snacks include 1 cup of low-fat yogurt topped with a sliced kiwi and a low-fat string cheese with whole-grain crackers.

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