Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tangy Tuesday Tips With HHWN

Hewitt Health Wellness Network

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Food To Chew On:

“Do-It-Now Day”

Galatians 6:9 (NKJV)

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Thought For The Day

“I will pass through this world but once. It therefore., there be any kindness I can show or any good thing I can do, let me do it now; let me not defer it or any good thing I can do, let me do it now; let me not defer it or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again”—Etienne De Grellet

Trusting that your Labor Day was great!!! J Now it is time to get back on the right track…let’s go back to exercising and eating right.
Have a Wonderful Tangy Tuesday with HHWN!!!

More tips 45-50

45. If food was your only source of pleasure, make sure to reconnect with other things you enjoy -- music, sports, volunteer work or movies, for example.

46. Try to have a little lean protein with each meal, as protein tends to be more satisfying than carbs or fats.

47. Think ahead to how you'll eat and exercise on the weekends. It's easy to get too relaxed on Saturdays and Sundays, but healthy living is a 7-day-a-week endeavor.

48. Dump the junk food. If you want to avoid temptation, make sure you clean out the fridge and the pantry.

49. When you eat calorie-friendly fruits and vegetables that are in season, they tend to taste better and you're more likely to enjoy them.

50. People who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss.

Hip Flexibility Exercises For Seniors And The Elderly

Standing Hip Extensions
Purpose of this exercise

This exercise will help with strengthening the hip muscles.
This will improve the ability to walk and propel  yourself forward or upstairs.

How to do it:
Step 1

Stand, using a chair to balance yourself.

Step 2

Extend your leg backward, keeping your knee straight.
Return to the start position and repeat 10 times with each leg.


Exhale during the upward movement phase.
Inhale during the downward movement phase.


Keep your body erect and ribs lifted during the movement.
Try to keep your  knee straight during the move.
Tighten your tummy muscles and keep breathing.

Take it up a notch:

Add a 2 to 5 pound weight to your ankle for a harder workout.
Use one hand, one finger or no hands to balance yourself.

5 Things You Should Know About Organic Food

What is Organic food? Is organic food better for you?

Is it better for the environment? Is it tastier?

These are some of the most common questions asked about organic food. Here's the MBG scoop:

1.   What does it mean if a product is Organic? If a product bears the USDA Organic seal, the ingredients and subsequent crops have been grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, and were processed without chemical preservatives. Animals on organic farms eat organically grown feed and are raised without antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones.

A Healthy Menu For

For breakfast, eat 1 cup raisin bran cereal with 1 cup nonfat milk, 1 cup blackberries. Enjoy this with coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Lunch consists of a grilled tomato and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread, 2 celery stalks served with 2 tbsp. chunky salsa for dipping. Add 1 cup red seedless grapes for dessert. For dinner, choose 3 oz. pork tenderloin, 1 cup boiled kale, 1 cup nonfat milk and ½ a red grapefruit. If you are hungry later in the evening, enjoy 3 cups air-popped popcorn.

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