Monday, September 23, 2013

Magic Monday Tips With HHWN

Hewitt Health Wellness Network
Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant & Anita Hewitt

Monday, September 23, 2013

Food To Chew On:

The Amen Corner

Matthew 6:13 (NKJV)


Thought For The Day:

Today I will live an “Amen” life….

Happy Magic Monday Tips… well you know there is no magic to losing weight… other than hard work making up your mind to exercise and eat right for life… This is not a quick fix… we have to look at foods differently. There are so many ways we can cook lighter meals and taste great!!! We have more tips to help you… (21-25)

Easy Ways to Lose Weight: 50+ Ideas

21. Eat cereal for breakfast five days a week. Studies find that people who eat cereal for breakfast every day are significantly less likely to be obese and have diabetes than those who don’t. They also consume more fiber and calcium—and less fat—than those who eat other breakfast foods. Of course, that doesn’t mean reaching for the Cap’n Crunch. Instead, pour out a high-fiber, low-sugar cereal like Total or Grape Nuts.

22. Pare your portions. Whether you eat at home or in a restaurant, immediately remove one-third of the food on your plate. Arguably the worst food trend of the past few decades has been the explosion in portion sizes on America’s dinner plates (and breakfast and lunch plates). We eat far, far more today than our bodies need. Studies find that if you serve people more food, they’ll eat more food, regardless of their hunger level. The converse is also true: Serve
yourself less and you’ll eat less.

23. Eat 90 percent of your meals at home. You’re more likely to eat more—and eat more high-fat, high-calorie foods—when you eat out than when you eat at home. Restaurants today serve such large portions that many have switched to larger plates and tables to accommodate them!

24. Avoid any prepared food that lists sugar, fructose, or corn syrup among the first four ingredients on the label. You should be able to find a lower-sugar version of the same type of food. If you can’t, grab a piece of fruit instead! Look for sugar-free varieties of foods such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and salad dressing.

25. Eat slowly and calmly. Put your fork or spoon down between every bite. Sip water frequently. Intersperse your eating with stories for your dining partner of the amusing things that happened during your day. Your brain lags your stomach by about 20 minutes when it comes to satiety (fullness) signals. If you eat slowly enough, your brain will catch up to tell you that you are no longer in need of food.

10 Foods To Fight Candida

Do you suffer from mood swings, seasonal allergies, digestive issues, or frequent yeast infections? If so, you may have Candida overgrowth.

Candida is one of the scientific names for yeast, which is a form of fungus. A very small amount naturally resides in your mouth and intestines to aid digestion, but your medications, diet, and environment can all change your normal balance of Candida. When it's overproduced, it breaks down the wall of the intestines and enters directly into the bloodstream, where it releases toxic byproducts that can cause a leaky gut. Symptoms of Candida overgrowth can range from digestive issues to depression.

Since Candida resides in the gut, diet is an important factor in limiting overgrowth. Here are 10 foods you can eat to help fight Candida overgrowth.

2.  Garlic

Garlic contains allicin, a sulphur-containing compound with natural antifungal properties specific to Candida. When eaten raw, this little food is one of the best antifungals around.

A Healthy Menu For

Understanding standard serving sizes can help control calorie intake, says WIN, who suggests measuring cups and spoons as helpful tools for controlling calories. Dieters can start Monday with a nutrient-rich breakfast of 2 cups whole grain cereal with 1 cup skim milk and 1 1/4 cups whole strawberries. For lunch they may load up on fiber with 2 tbsp. hummus, 8 Triscuit crackers, 10 baby carrots and 1 container of light yogurt. A small apple with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter controls mid-afternoon hunger. A 3 oz. turkey burger on a whole wheat bun with 1 cup California-style vegetables is a simple, nutritious dinner. A toasted whole-wheat English muffin with 1 tsp. all-fruit jam makes a light evening snack.

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