Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tickle Tuesday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Tuesday February 26, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Tuesday - Beyond Admiration to Adoration
John 7:17 (NKJV)
 If anyone wills to do His will, he shall know concerning the doctrine, whether it is from God or whether I speak on My own authority.
Thought For The Day:
Jesus is not the greatest man who ever lived; He is the only Son of God, our Lord. If we want to know God, we must begin with what He said in His Word and obey what we hear!
From the days of tickling our own fancy, and having our own desires met unlimited. Delight in the Lord and receive the fresh manna of this day.
By now we all should be “Tickle Pick”, about how we are feeling …. Our clothes are fitting looser, we have a new pep in our step, looking and feeling better then we have ever felt in our lives…. Keep Up The Good Work!!! J
What you will need to begin balance training in your home
(continued from yesterday)
3. A kitchen counter to hold on to. This is a great place to walk when you are just beginning your balance exercise program. Simply hold on to the counter with one hand for balance while you step forward, sideways etc. Even if your counter is only a few feet long, just turn around and start again. Maybe you will be inspired to start cooking again!
4. Soft items to step over. I like children's stuffed animals or slippers. Make sure they are not over 6 inches high. That's all you need to step over during your stepping exercises. Don't get too ambitious and use that large stuffed panda bear!
6 Creative Ways to Get Children Excited about Healthy Eating
2.  Always eat dessert
This sounds like a funny way of making children healthier – but if you start introducing fun fruit into dessert then the children will feel excited about it. Don’t just stick to boring apples and pears – mix it up a little bit. Try pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, star fruit and grapes – and make fun shapes out of them. Your children won’t be able to resist. It’s also a common fact that most children will be more open to fruit than they will be to vegetables – so keep this in mind if you child is particularly stubborn.
A Healthy Menu For
For breakfast, eat 1 cup raisin bran cereal with 1 cup nonfat milk, 1 cup blackberries. Enjoy this with coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Lunch consists of a grilled tomato and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread, 2 celery stalks served with 2 tbsp. chunky salsa for dipping. Add 1 cup red seedless grapes for dessert. For dinner, choose 3 oz. pork tenderloin, 1 cup boiled kale, 1 cup nonfat milk and ½ a red grapefruit. If you are hungry later in the evening, enjoy 3 cups air-popped popcorn.

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