Friday, February 22, 2013

Feast Friday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Friday February 22, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Friday – Bread That Really Satisfies
John 6:35 (NKJV)
 And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.

Thought For The Day:
Our spiritual hunger pangs are but our response to the aroma of the fresh bread of life Christ has provided for us

Happy Friday, we are eating differently and you can feast and go wild on your fruits and veggies!! Let your imagination take you  to places you have never gone before with fruits and vegetables….. Have Fun and Good Eating!!! J

Elderly Balance Exercises For Seniors to Help Prevent Falls
Can I keep or regain my balance?
Here is the light at the end of the tunnel. I especially like working with the elderly and seniors on balance simply because it is a skill that many of us can keep during our adult life. 
Though there are often many factors involved with decreased balance as we age, a lot of this decline is simply due to our inactivity.
This can usually be improved with training. This training will involve improving your overall upper and lower body strength along with challenging your balance system daily with activities that require you to use the three systems I spoke of above.
When I talk to seniors about balance, I use the example of tennis player posture. If you play tennis you know that there is a server and a receiver. Think of how the receiver stands. Feet wide apart, knees and hips flexed, upper body leaning forward.
Players use this posture because it is the most "ready for action" position they can get into in order to react to the serve. It is a very stable and safe position. That is usually also our choice as we age...finding the safest most balanced position.
 Unfortunately, when we make this choice, our balance system is poorly challenged and our brain begins to become lazy. Our brain says, "Well, Mary just doesn't need all that balance anymore. I'll start turning off some balance switches."
Here is another example. Have you ever watched women’s gymnastics on the TV? Have you ever wondered how a 16 year old young woman can jump onto a 4 inch wide beam way up in the air and do a hand stand or flip?
Do you think any 16 year old young women could do that? Well the answer is no. Someone who does not practice this level of balance cannot perform these activities. They will fall off the beam and embarrass themselves for sure!
Well, like anything else in life it is about practice. There is a saying you may have heard but I put it in a different way. "Practice makes PER...MANENT". If you are practicing something wrong, it will be permanently wrong.
Are you practicing sitting in your recliner? Come on, be honest. If you are, then you will certainly get better at sitting in your recliner! Start practicing balance exercises.

Foods to Brighten Your Day
How do you boost your mood? Oreo cookies, cheesecake, Boston cream pie!! These six foods may not sound all sweet and yummy but use them creatively and you’ll be getting more bang out of your calorie count and a less stressed out mind.

1. Peppers are packed with vitamin C, which can inhibit the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Yellow peppers have the highest levels (341mg), Red peppers have (209mg), and Green have (132mg).
 2. Walnuts have been linked to heart health and weight control, but just a handful a day! New research from the University of Barcelona finds that nuts, along with almonds and hazelnuts, can boost levels of serotonin, a hormone that increases feelings of well-being.

 3. Chickpeas have the vitamin B called folate and in only half of a cup you get (141mg) of folate. This vitamin is necessary for the production of dopamine, a neuro-transmitter associated with pleasure.
A Healthy Menu For

Scrambled Eggs Rancheros on whole-wheat toast with salsa, black beans, onions and mozzarella
 363 calories, 12.7 g fat
Black Bean–Almond Pesto Chicken with precooked brown rice, zucchini and tomatoes
516 calories, 19.2 g fat
Nonfat plain yogurt (6 oz) drizzled with 2 tsp honey and topped with 1 tbsp chocolate chips; 1 orange
 251 calories, 3.7 g fat
 Oven-Baked Fish and Sweet Potato Fries with salad
 Nuke an extra sweet potato to use for tomorrow's lunch.
 526 calories, 10.6 g fat
White wine (4 oz)
 96 calories, 0 g fat
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries (2) with slivered almonds
 201 calories, 14.2 g fat

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