Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle
with Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Saturday February 16, 2013
To Chew On:
– I Am For You
4:26 (NKJV)
Jesus said to her,
“I who speak to you am He.”
Thought For The Day:
When Jesus says “I am” it carries the force of the power
of God present in Him.
a Powerful Day!! J
It is all about getting our bodies a lined with God…
Mind, Body and Soul… and when these three come together we can do anything we
put our minds to do …. Lose weight, open a business and even take time out to
write that book that has been in the back of your mind and in your soul…. So
you have a “Spiritual Saturday” and be good to yourself!! J
Muscle Exercise For Seniors And The Elderly
Back muscle exercise for seniors and the elderly like the
arm raise below will help strengthen and stabilize your upper and lower back
These are great to do while you are lying in bed or on
the couch. Arm raises on your back with your knees bent are a good way to
gently stretch and strengthen a back that is tired or sore due to overuse.
This will also help with shoulder range of motion,
scapular mobility and chest expansion if you incorporate breathing exercises
along with the movement.
Think about relaxing the chest and neck muscles as you
raise your arm up.
Then breathe in and try to bring the air all the way to
your abdomen.
If done correctly, your abdomen will rise as the air
comes in.
Raises ( on your back)
Purpose of this exercise
•This exercise
improves the range of motion in your upper back and shoulders.
•When correctly stabilizing the lower back, this exercise
will help strengthen your postural muscles including the abdominals.
How to
do it:
Step 1
•Lie on your back with your knees bent.
•Keep your low back in neutral and arms at sides.
Step 2
•Lift your right arm off the floor to an upright
•Return and repeat 10 times with each arm.
•Exhale during the upward movement phase.
•Inhale during the downward movement phase.
•Keep your spine in neutral.
•Do not twist or rotate your back.
•Keep the movement smooth and controlled.
it up a notch:
•Add a 1 pound weight to your arm.
•Extend your opposite leg out at the same time.
You Don’t Have to Buy Organic for the Holidays
Asparagus Recipes
Even though it’s available all year long, asparagus can
easily be considered the star of the spring season -- that's when it tastes the
best. Steamed, boiled, sautéed, roasted, grilled -- asparagus takes on
different qualities, however you cook it. Roasting and grilling turns asparagus
almost sweet. Steamed or boiled, asparagus retains the vegetable's natural
flavor. But for most preparations, choose tender spears -- but in some cases
thicker ones will stand up better to cooking methods like grilling. Pencil-thin
spears are even great raw or blanched -- use them in salads or serve them as an
appetizer alongside a dip of your choice.
In case you're wondering where asparagus comes from, it's
actually related to the lily. The spears emerge from a rhizome below the soil
level and are harvested typically thin and young (see how asparagus is grown
here). Mediterranean in origin, asparagus is now grown in almost every corner
of the world, including Mexico, Peru, China, and Chile, and then shipped to
supermarkets everywhere. But you’ll never find fresher, tastier stalks than
those sold in your local farmers' markets.
A Healthy
Menu For
Cinnamon–Chocolate Chip Pancakes with fresh berries
335 calories, 6.4
g fat
Sweet Potato Soup, made with carrot and onion, and garlic
pita wedges
394 calories, 8.6
g fat
Half of Zucchini-Spice Bran Muffin with 1 tbsp. ricotta
mixed with 1 tsp. sugar
169 calories, 6.8
g fat
Ginger-Lemon Chicken Skillet with bow tie pasta and mixed
648 calories, 8 g
White wine (4 oz)
96 calories, 0 g
Premade No-Bake
Citrus Cheesecake with fresh berries
180 calories, 6.5
g fat
Bran Muffin with 1 cup grapes
* Make three muffins today. Have one this morning and
wrap up the other two in plastic wrap or a resealable bag for breakfast and
snacks later this week.
357 calories, 9.6 grams fat
Spicy Steak Salad
with black beans, dressed with either Roasted Garlic–Balsamic Vinaigrette or
Carrot-Ginger Dressing
*Make and chill both dressings and use them
interchangeably on your salads all week. Freeze one third of the steak you
bought, cook two thirds, eat half now and pack up the rest.
463 calories, 20.6 g fat
Nonfat plain yogurt (6 ounces) with 1 tablespoon slivered almonds, 2 tbsp
raspberries (or blackberries) and 2 teaspoons honey
185 calories, 3.8 g fat
Shrimp Scampi With Pasta, Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes and
*Pack up half of the shrimp you cooked for tomorrow's
lunch, and in another container, store half of the pasta for tomorrow's dinner.
468 calories, 15.8 g fat
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries (2) with slivered almonds,
8 oz skim milk
*Make four strawberries; eat two and chill two.
287 calories, 14.2 g fat
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