Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Tips With HHWN

Hewitt Health Wellness Network

 Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with 
Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Food To Chew On:
A Lovely Thing

Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might…..

Thought For The Day:

“Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a simple lovely action” –James Russell Lowell.

We trust your day or evening is great… Welcome to  Wonderful Wednesday Tips….Please don’t forget to Hydrate.. that’s nothing like Water…you may try all of these other drinks….Nothing can quench your thirst like H2O!!! Here is an amazing tip: If you drink a glass of water before each meal you will eat less… if you listen to your body. When your body say’s I’m full you stop eating and be consistent you will see results!!!
Have a Wonderful Day with HHWN J

Calf Exercises for Seniors And The Elderly

Calf exercises strengthen the lower body and are important in maintaining balance and walking ability by improving your ability to push off and accelerate as we walk. 

It is vital to keep these muscles working not only every day but several times a day.

This is because, as I like to say, they are the "heart" of your legs.

Calf contractions help pump the great volume of blood up from your legs to your upper body and brain.

No more fainting or getting light headed when standing still when you raise up on your toes a few times during the day.

The 7 Worst Training Mistakes I've Ever Made…

6. Too Many Chest Dips With Too Much Weight

A few years back I almost got a pec tear from doing heavy weighted dips. I know this because I could feel it starting and about to blow out. Luckily for me, when I do dips on my dip station, my feet are about 2 inches from the ground at the bottom. So when I felt that about to go, I immediately dropped out of the exercise, relatively unscathed (just a bit of soreness in the armpit area for a few days).

It’s a fact of heavy training that when you always push things, it you’re probably going to get an injury at some point. It comes with the territory.

For me, at that point, I had been doing a lot of chest dips and had been trying to push the weight to see how much I could do. I had worked up to using an extra 160 lbs hanging from my waist (three 45 lb plates and a 25 lb plate) when this happened. And the second after it happened, I knew exactly WHY it happened…it simply performing this exercise too frequently with very heavy loads.

I still do chest dips on occasion…just not as heavy and not nearly as frequently. Just like any exercise, if you do it too much and too heavy, it CAN lead to injury.

The Lesson:

You have to not only listen to your body…your body has to listen to YOU. Physically, I didn't feel this near-pec tear coming but in looking back, mentally I knew I was probably pushing the exercise too hard, too often, and I should’ve backed off sooner.

A Health Menu For

For breakfast select one low-fat blueberry waffle, 2 tbsp. sugar-free syrup, ½ cup fresh raspberries and 1 cup nonfat milk. Enjoy coffee or tea sweetened with a sugar substitute, too. Your lunch meal includes 2 scrambled eggs, 1 oz. low fat cheese, 1 slice of toasted whole grain bread and 1 tsp. soft margarine and ½ cup fresh pineapple. For dinner, choose 3 oz. broiled salmon, ½ quinoa, ½ cup broccoli and cauliflower mix. Have 4 oz. low fat yogurt with ½ cup sliced strawberries for dessert.

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