Monday, August 5, 2013

Making The Right Choice Monday With HHWN

Hewitt Health Wellness Network
Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Monday, August 05, 2013

Food To Chew On:

Monday – Contagious Love
1 Thessalonians 5:19 (NKJV)

 Do not quench the Spirit.

Thought For The Day:

All Things are possible now ~Amen~

Make The Right Choice Monday, we are bombarded with all the fast foods commercials… we must always be on our guard….even if you made some bad choices this weekend, well today is a new day… We will make better choices this week and we know you can do it…
So Be Encourage One Day At A Time ….You will get there!!! J

 Exercises To Improve Balance

Dynamic Walking
How to do it

Step 1

·         Now stand with a sheet of paper in your hand,

Step 2 

·         Begin walking and try turning your head while reading the paper
·         Repeat several times.


·         Breathe normally, in through the nose and out through the mouth.


·         Wear smooth bottom shoes to avoid snagging your tennis shoe on the rug.
·         Stand with ribs lifted, shoulders back and down.
·         If you get dizzy, stop.
·         Try this in the kitchen holding on to the counter to start, then move into the living room when you get more confident.

Take it up a notch:

·         Try actually reading something from the paper while walking and turning your head.
·         Hold the sheet of paper in both hands while walking.
·         Hold a sheet of paper in each hand and look from right to left at each paper while walking.

You did it! These exercises to improve balance were the most difficult. Remember to practice as often as you can. After all, we want to improve and never go back to our prior days weak legs.

Why Baby Boomers Are Addicted to Elliptical Trainers

Elliptical trainers are a growing segment of the fitness equipment industry.  One of the driving forces behind this growth are baby boomers.  Now that the earliest of this generation are starting to hit retirement age, many are experiencing the aches and pains of years of abuse to their joints.  Walking, jogging and running are less and less appealing because of the impact to the joints.  Even when done on a shock absorbing treadmill.

Enter the elliptical trainer, also known as crosstrainers.  Ellipticals came in response to the need for a cardio workout without the impact.  There are two primary benefits of an elliptical trainer…

A Healthy Menu For

Understanding standard serving sizes can help control calorie intake, says WIN, who suggests measuring cups and spoons as helpful tools for controlling calories. Dieters can start Monday with a nutrient-rich breakfast of 2 cups whole grain cereal with 1 cup skim milk and 1 1/4 cups whole strawberries. For lunch they may load up on fiber with 2 tbsp. hummus, 8 Triscuit crackers, 10 baby carrots and 1 container of light yogurt. A small apple with 1 tbsp. of peanut butter controls mid-afternoon hunger. A 3 oz. turkey burger on a whole wheat bun with 1 cup California-style vegetables is a simple, nutritious dinner. A toasted whole-wheat English muffin with 1 tsp. all-fruit jam makes a light evening snack.
1 Tip To Lose Belly Fat
Cut pounds of stomach fat every week by using this 1 weird old tip.

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