Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thrilling Thursday Tips With HHW

Hewitt Health Wellness Network
Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Food To Chew On:

The Linus Limit

Luke 8:45 (NKJV)
 And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?”

Thought For The Day:

Christ has healed us so we can be healers of the hurts of people. He has time for us; do we have time for others? He has met our needs; are we touched by the need of others?

One of the many Thrilling Tips: if you eat less and move more… whatever your limit of movement is and be mindful of what we are eating… and stick with it . You will see some wonderful changes. Another good way of tracking what we are eating keep a food journal and be honest. You will be amazed of how much we really eat~~ WOW~~
Have An Thrilling Day and Evening with HHWN!! J

Calf Exercises for Seniors And The Elderly

Calf Raises

Purpose of this exercise
·         Strengthening your calf muscles will give your more power to step forward on level surfaces or carry you up hills on uneven terrain.
·         Helps pump blood up from your legs to your upper body and brain.
How to do it:
Step 1

Stand using a chair to balance yourself.

Step 2

Raise up on your toes as high as you comfortably can.
·         Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times. 


·         Exhale during the upward movement phase.
·         Inhale during the downward movement phase.


·         Keep your body still as you raise yourself up.
·         Keep your feet  apart if you have balance problems. 

Take it up a notch:

·         Let go of the chair to improve your balance. If that is too hard, use a finger or one hand to hold on with.

The 7 Worst Training Mistakes I've Ever Made…

1.  I Stopped Training for a Month

It happens to everybody…you hit a patch where there are lots of things going on in your life and training just seems to take a backseat.
For me, it happened when my wife and I were in the process of moving to a new house…in order to best show the town home for buyers, I had to disassemble my gym so the basement/family room showed like a room and not a gym. I moved all my equipment over to our new place, that we hadn't yet moved into.
Well, with everything going on and not really having a gym to train in, I basically just stopped training…I didn't even do body weight stuff.

And THAT was a BIG mistake.

By the time I got back to training, I had lost muscle, gained fat and felt depressed about not training or doing anything really physical.
You've just got to realize that sometimes life gets in the way, or sometimes you do need a break from heavy training (especially if you get injured). Not every workout has to be a blockbuster…sometimes it’s enough just to go in and do a “punchclock” workout to maintain what you've got and keep the habit.
Even you’re injured, you can quite often work around that injury. If you hurt your shoulder, train your legs and work the non-injured side of your upper body.

The Lesson:

Training should be a constant in your life. Even just doing small things can go a long way towards maintaining strength, health and sanity.
And one last lesson from me…if you do slip, when you DO get back into training and training hard, hold yourself accountable by taking a “before” picture. It’ll give you the motivation not to let it happen again.

A Healthy Menu For

For breakfast, choose 1 cup All Bran cereal topped with 1 small, sliced banana, 1 cup nonfat milk and coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Lunch can include a turkey sandwich, 1 cup tossed green salad with 1 Tbsp. olive oil and vinegar and a baked apple. Your dinner meal includes 1 cup lentil soup, 6 saltine crackers and 1 cup nonfat milk. For dessert, try one small slice angel food cake and ½ cup strawberries.

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