Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wellness Wednesday With HHWN

 Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Wednesday February 27, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Wednesday – The Inner Secret
John 7:38 (NKJV)
 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”
Thought For The Day:
Draw from the well, for the more you draw the more the artesian replenishment of the Spirit will be given.
As we learn the importance of “Health and Wellness.” It is easy to make the necessary changes for life…. We all what to be healthier, have more energy and live longer… so we are willing to do what we have to do… So Keep Up The Good Work!!! J
What you will need to begin balance training in your home
(Continued from yesterday)
5. Can't walk in a straight line? No problem. Take some handy painters tape, place a line of it down your hallway or in your living room. In our videos you will notice I have placed a piece of making tape on the floor to follow along with. It is especially helpful with sideways movements as these are the hardest to remain straight when performing. Make sure you have some handy when you need to take a sobriety test!
 6. To get more of a workout you may use ankle or wrist weights. Don't use more than one or two pounds for either your legs or arms. More weight than this may lead to shoulder injury due to holding your arm out away from your body. Who needs a gym!
6 Creative Ways to Get Children Excited about Healthy Eating
3.  Grow the vegetables and fruit yourselves
If you have a garden or even a window ledge, then you can be growing the good stuff. Give your children the responsibility of growing them, watering them, planting them and picking them and they’ll start to really get excited about the end product. Make a big deal out of it too – and when the veg or fruit finally emerges – have a big family meal to celebrate the cooking of the freshly grown produce! You child will feel proud and excited!
 A Healthy Menu For
For breakfast select one lowfat blueberry waffle, 2 tbsp. sugar-free syrup, ½ cup fresh raspberries and 1 cup nonfat milk. Enjoy coffee or tea sweetened with a sugar substitute, too. Your lunch meal includes 2 scrambled eggs, 1 oz. low fat cheese, 1 slice of toasted whole grain bread and 1 tsp. soft margarine and ½ cup fresh pineapple. For dinner, choose 3 oz. broiled salmon, ½ quinoa, ½ cup broccoli and cauliflower mix. Have 4 oz. low fat yogurt with ½ cup sliced strawberries for dessert.

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