Saturday, February 23, 2013

Submission Saturday with HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Saturday February 23, 2013

Food To Chew On:
Saturday – Hope from a Heard Saying
John 6:53-54 (NKJV)
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Thought For The Day:
Christ offers us the full impact of His life, ministry, and message. His death on the cross provides us with the forgiving power of His shed blood. But most important of all, He gives us Himself in the power of His Spirit.
On this beautiful “Submission Saturday” what does that mean??? Until we start changing the way we look at food and submit to a healthier way of living, we will see wonderful results…. Please take it from me. I have lost over 80 lbs. just by making small changes into my life and I feel wonderful!!! If I can do it I know You Can Too!!
Have a Healthy Weekend from Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Elderly Balance Exercises For Seniors to Help Prevent Falls
Follow These Elderly Balance Exercise Safety Guidelines
 • These exercises are intended for normal imbalance and unsteadiness in seniors as they age due to inactivity and disuse.
• Make sure you check with your doctor if you suspect a more serious balance problem involving vertigo, ear infections, Meniere's disease, chronic dizziness or drug interactions.
• If you are working with a senior with poor balance or the frail elderly, make sure they are closely supervised at all times.
• Progress to the next exercise when the preceding one can be done safely or if you have enough assistance.
• Be aware of your posture. Try to maintain your weight over your ankles.
• Avoid fast movements including quick turns or changes in position.
• Use a chair as a place to not only perform seated exercise but also to hold on to while standing. Hold on with your finger, one hand or two hands.
• Always get up slowly when rising from a chair.
• Don't close your eyes when exercising or standing at your chair.
• If you are taking medications, ask your doctor if there are any side effects which may cause light-headedness or decreased balance.
Foods to Brighten Your Day
(Part 2 from yesterday)
4. Sardines are an omega-3 loaded fish. Research from Ohio State University found that people who regularly consumed foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are 20% less anxious feeling than those who do not consume them.
 5. Avocados are a must if you are stressed. Stress can deplete stores of B vitamins in our bodies.  These B vitamins are essential for the creation of serotonin. Avocados are an excellent source of B vitamins and potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure.
 6. Sunflower seeds an excellent source of magnesium and a one ounce serving will give you (91mg)…you need (320mg) a day. A deficiency of magnesium can slow dopamine production, leaving you feeling stressed and anxious.
* If you work hard to keep your outsides looking good, why not do the same for your insides. This doesn’t mean you can’t have any more cookies!! Eat them because you love them but, in moderation.
A Healthy Menu For
Saturday and Sunday
Cinnamon–Chocolate Chip Pancakes with fresh berries
 335 calories, 6.4 g fat
Sweet Potato Soup, made with carrot and onion, and garlic pita wedges
 394 calories, 8.6 g fat
Half of Zucchini-Spice Bran Muffin with 1 tbsp. ricotta mixed with 1 tsp. sugar
 169 calories, 6.8 g fat
Ginger-Lemon Chicken Skillet with bow tie pasta and mixed veggies
 648 calories, 8 g fat
 White wine (4 oz)
 96 calories, 0 g fat
 Premade No-Bake Citrus Cheesecake with fresh berries
 180 calories, 6.5 g fat
 Zucchini-Spice Bran Muffin with 1 cup grapes
* Make three muffins today. Have one this morning and wrap up the other two in plastic wrap or a re-sealable bag for breakfast and snacks later this week.
357 calories, 9.6 grams fat
 Spicy Steak Salad with black beans, dressed with either Roasted Garlic–Balsamic Vinaigrette or Carrot-Ginger Dressing
*Make and chill both dressings and use them interchangeably on your salads all week. Freeze one third of the steak you bought, cook two thirds, eat half now and pack up the rest.
463 calories, 20.6 g fat
 Nonfat plain yogurt (6 ounces) with 1 tablespoon slivered almonds, 2 tbsp raspberries (or blackberries) and 2 teaspoons honey
185 calories, 3.8 g fat
Shrimp Scampi With Pasta, Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes and Olives
*Pack up half of the shrimp you cooked for tomorrow's lunch, and in another container, store half of the pasta for tomorrow's dinner.
468 calories, 15.8 g fat
Chocolate-Covered Strawberries (2) with slivered almonds, 8 oz skim milk
*Make four strawberries; eat two and chill two.
287 calories, 14.2 g fat

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