Monday, February 11, 2013

Mastering Monday With HHWN

 Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Monday February 11, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Fellow Me
John 1:43 (NKJV)
“Follow Me.”
Thought For The Day:
Christ calls very different kinds of people to be disciples because He want to use our personalities and experiences to reach others who are just like us.
Strive to be perfect because your Heavenly Father is Perfect. Each and every day we are mastering our own destiny, getting stronger, our well power is growing, and we are really seeing If we stick with eating right and exercising we really can make our goals come true… We Believe in You!!! You Can Do It!!! J
Back Strengthening Exercises For Seniors And The Elderly
Back strengthening exercises for seniors and the elderly like the sit back, are vital in stabilizing your lower back.
This will help your postural stability and balance as you gain more control over your core muscles.
This exercise is a little difficult to do in bed if you have a soft mattress.
But certainly if you are not able to get onto the floor to perform your exercises, by all means stay in bed for these.
This is a great exercise to incorporate a good breathing pattern into. Breathe in through the nose to start, then exhale as you sit back.
Pause, then breathe in as you return to the upright position. Let's get started!<
Food Swings — Get Grouchy When Your Tummy Starts Growling?
I came across a term that I think all of us experience — HANGRY. You’re hungry, low on energy, and grouchy. If you don’t find something to stop that growl in your stomach, you may go off the deep end. calls it a “food swing,” Skipping meals and snacks can lead to a not-so-nice change in mood, because your brain is lacking its source of fuel.
Fortunately, grabbing a snack can alleviate all that crankiness, but not any ol’ snack will do. In fact, recent research published in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that people who choose junk (like processed foods, chips, pizza, etc.) actually have a higher risk for depression and feeling low. Those people that stick to healthier snacks, are using a higher quality fuel to make the brain work better, and happier. And certain foods can target specific mood issues.
A Healthy Menu For
 Hot Autumn Apple Oatmeal with banana and berries
351 calories, 7.2 g fat
 Shrimp Tacos stuffed with leftover shrimp, lettuce, carrot, goat cheese and salsa in two corn tortillas
277 calories, 7.7 g fat
 Half of one Zucchini-Spice Bran Muffin from the batch you made yesterday, 1 banana
232 calories, 5.2 g fat
 Chicken Parmigiana With Pasta, steamed broccoli and homemade tomato sauce mixed with the angel-hair pasta you set aside on Sunday
521 calories, 10.7 g fat
 Graham cracker squares (4), 8 oz skim milk
202 calories, 3 g fat

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