Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tropical Tuesday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Tuesday December 4, 2012
Food To Chew On:
Tuesday – An Up-to-Date Question  
Hebrews 7:25 (KJV)

 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.

Thought For The Day
The source of our Christmas joy is that out of sheer love Christ saved us. Rejoice!! Think of what Christ had saved you from and saved you for!!

Happy Tropical Tuesday!! Just think as we keep-up the good work by spring or summer time we can go to any one of the Tropical Island and sport that swimming suit you always wanted to wear… if that isn’t incentive,  I don’t know what else is!!!  J So Keep Eating Right and Exercise and you will get there!!!  

12 Surprising Ways to Beat Diabetes
Switch to Brown Rice

The more white rice you eat on a regular basis, the greater your risk will be for developing type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard School of Public Health researchers who studied the trend in both Asian countries (China and Japan) and Western countries (the United States and Australia). Their study showed that each 158 g (about 2/3 cup) serving of rice increased risk by 10 percent. Because Asian countries eat an average of four portions of white rice a day, researchers believe they are at particularly high risk for developing diabetes. The scientists suggest that people who fill up on white rice aren’t taking in as many diabetes-fighting nutrients, like fiber, magnesium, and vitamins, as they would be if they ate brown rice.

White rice also has a bigger effect on blood sugar because it breaks down more quickly than brown rice. To help your body recover from insulin resistance, opt for carbs that release sugar into your blood more slowly, advises Barnard. Beans, fruit, non-starchy vegetables, and whole grains are good examples.

Exercising Tips:
 Straight-Leg Crunch

  Reach up to bring your shoulder blades off the floor in a fairly small range of motion.  Your hands don’t have to touch your feet.

Feet Up Crunch

 With your feet up, curl to lift your shoulder blades a few inches off the floor, pressing your low back into the floor at the same time.

A Healthy Menu For

For breakfast, eat 1 cup raisin bran cereal with 1 cup nonfat milk, 1 cup blackberries. Enjoy this with coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Lunch consists of a grilled tomato and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread, 2 celery stalks served with 2 tbsp. chunky salsa for dipping. Add 1 cup red seedless grapes for dessert. For dinner, choose 3 oz. pork tenderloin, 1 cup boiled kale, 1 cup nonfat milk and ½ a red grapefruit. If you are hungry later in the evening, enjoy 3 cups air-popped popcorn.


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