Monday, December 10, 2012

Mellow Monday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Monday December 10, 2012
Food To Chew On:
Monday – Give Him Your Struggles
Luke 4:18-19 (KJV)

 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

Thought For The Day:
Whatever my need, Christ is able!!!

Happy Mellow Monday, mellow means soft sweet, full of flavor, rich, in a relaxed state of mind, free from tension and pleasantly intoxicate!!  I know your weekend was all of that and much, much more…… as we continue to eat healthy and exercise we will experience all of that and more… so we are looking forward  for the benefits that comes with it…
 Keep Up the Good Work!!! J

Keep the Coffee Coming

If you need several jolts of java to help you get through the day, don’t despair. Your caffeine habit could actually fend off disease. People who drink more than six 8-ounce cups of coffee have a 29 to 54 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to an 18-year study from the Harvard School of Public Health. Those who drink four to five cups cut their risk about 29 percent, while one to three cups had little effect. The scientists suggest that caffeine helps rev metabolism and that the potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants in coffee help cells better absorb sugar. Just be careful not to load each cup with cream and sweetener, or your waistline could be in for a shock.

Exercising Tips:

Hanging Knee Raises

   Knees should be lifted as high as you can without swinging; glutes should come forward.  To make it harder straighten your legs.

Reverse Crunch on Incline Board

   Curl your glutes and lower back off the bench, crunching your abs as you bring your knees over your chest.

(Lower Abs) Sets X Reps

Hanging Knee Raises

3 X 10-12

Reverse Crunch on Incline Board

3 X 10-12

A Healthy Menu For

For breakfast, enjoy 4 oz. of oatmeal with 1 tsp. soft margarine, 1 medium apple, 1 cup nonfat milk and coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Your lunch meal includes a chicken sandwich on 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 tsp. low fat mayonnaise, 6 oz. baby carrots and ½ cup sliced strawberries. For dinner, choose 3 oz. roast beef, ½ cup roasted asparagus, 1 small wedge of cantaloupe and 4 oz. low fat yogurt.

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