Friday, April 12, 2013

Flexible Friday with HHWN

Bryant and Anita Hewitt

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with  
Friday, April 12, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Friday - Just for Thomas
John 20:28 (NKJV)
And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
Thought For The Day:
Christ has plans for us. He comes to give us assurance of His risen power so we can get on with His missions.
“Flexible Friday” whatever your range of movement is keeps on moving and stays flexible and stays on a healthy routine of eating right, exercising and Hydrate, Hydrate there is nothing like H2O!!!! Have a Healthy Day with HHWN J
Stretching Routines For Seniors And The Elderly
Stretching routines for seniors and the elderly that work well are ones that avoid risky and stressful positions.
Simple and gentle routines which stretch the major muscle groups can be performed by most seniors.
Try to stretch 2 to 3 days for best results, spaced out during the week. Perform exercises 2 to 3 three times with a rest period between repetitions for best results.
Build up to 3 to 5 days per week if you can.
Shoulder Rolls
Purpose of this exercise
 •Improve the range of motion in your shoulder and upper back region.
•Will assist in keeping your rib muscles flexible.
•Help in activities like reaching up to a high shelf or across the table at dinner.
How to do it:
Step 1
•Sit comfortably in your chair.
Step 2
•Raise your shoulders up, back, then down.
•Relax and repeat 10 times.
•Inhale during the upward movement phase.
•Exhale during the downward movement phase.
•Remember that stretches should feel comfortable. Slow down or stop if you feel pain.
•Fill your lungs with air and raise the ribs as you bring the shoulders up.
•Never hold your breath.
Take it up a notch:
•Place 2 to 3 pound weights in your hands at your sides while performing this exercise.
Is the Kettlebell all Hype?
Secondly, sorry, but kettlebells are not Russian in origin, nor were they popularized by the Spetnaz in their training. From my research their origins are controversial, but most evidence points to the Highlands, or Scotland. Third, I’m sure there is a difference in kettlebell quality between retailers, but the difference cannot be as dramatic as this lady proclaimed to me. It is, in the end, a freaking weight with a handle! Lastly, you should work out with only kettlebells? No chance, don’t be such a sucker! As I stated earlier, kettlebells are a great supplemental (meaning in addition to) tool for some in their routines, but definitely not for everybody.
Your average fitness seeker, the non-athlete who is looking for general health or weight loss is most likely going to be injured using kettlebells. Let me explain: In kettlebell movements, as I stated earlier, many joints are moving and involved, therefore the need for extra attention to body mechanics, posture, and form. Take the kettlebell swing, for example. Probably the most used, most popular movement using the kettlebell. You take the weight, clasp it with both hands in front of you, letting it hang between your legs, you bend at the waist and knees and then thrust your hips forward and up, keeping your arms straight, swinging the kettlebell up to head-level.
A Healthy Menu For
Your breakfast choices include 2 small buckwheat pancakes, 1 tbsp. sugar-free syrup, 1 cup nonfat milk with coffee or tea. For lunch enjoy a chef salad with 2 oz. ham and low fat cheese, 2 tbsp. low fat salad dressing, 1 small orange and 4 oz. low fat yogurt. Dinner includes 1 cup angel hair pasta, ½ cup spaghetti with meat sauce, ½ cup applesauce and 1 cup nonfat milk.

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