Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
Bryant and Anita Hewitt
March 28, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Thursday – “My” Shepherd
John 15:7 (NKJV)
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you,
you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
Thought For The Day:
in Christ and allowing Him to abide in us is the secret for guidance.
we Throw-down our bad eating habits, the way we look at food, inactive actives
and picking up some tools for life, cooking food without oil and fats, eating
more veggies and exercising more. As a result we are feeling better and looking
good!!! Keep Up The Great Word!! J
Falls And The Elderly
Stepping Exercises
Purpose of these exercises
•These exercises will improve your ability to
lift your feet in order to clear steps, toys and yes... hoses.
will strengthen your hip and leg muscles while improving your coordination.
Exercise #1. The Step over - How to do
Step 1
•Begin with two or more soft objects on the
them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
Step 2
•Lift your foot at least 6 inches and step
over the objects.
between each object.
try stepping over each object without stopping.
Exercise #2. Side stepping - How to do
Step 1
•Begin with two or more soft objects on the
them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
to one side of the objects.
Step 2
•Begin by stepping forward, then to the side
around the object.
in the same direction, step backward through the objects.
this pattern to the last object.
Exercise #3. The figure eight - How to
do it
Step 1
•Begin with two objects three feet apart.
Step 2
•Begin by walking around each object in a
figure of eight pattern.
pattern 10 times.
Exercise #4. The Figure eight in one
direction - How to do it
•Begin with two objects 3 feet apart..
Step 2
•This time, keep facing the same direction as
you perform the figure eight pattern.
Exercise #5. The side step over - How
to do it
Step 1
•Begin with 2 objects on floor.
them out 12 to 16 inches apart.
Step 2
•Lift your foot at least 6 inches and side
step over the objects.
normally, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
a kitchen counter to hold on to if you don't feel safe stepping over objects.
side stepping , try not to cross your feet. This can lead to tripping.
exercises are easier with your shoes off in stocking feet.
Take it up a notch:
•Try lifting your chest and looking straight
ahead when walking.
tape on your floor to make a straight line to increase the difficulty.
one pound weights on your ankles for a more challenging workout.
You did it! I knew you could. Remember that
things go quickly out of our heads as we get older. That is why it is important
to practice balance exercises for falls and the elderly every day
3 Reasons you are not losing weight
much of a good thing may end up being a no-no!
could be eating fruits, vegetables and all the healthy goodness nature has to
offer but the scale still dictates undesirable numbers. Do you know the reason
why? Portion size. Yes, it matters and this truth applies even
when you’re consuming healthy foods. The volume of food you eat signifies the
amount of calories you intake. A small portion means fewer calories whereas a
basket of fruit means a lot of calories. Although the calories come from a
healthy food source but nevertheless, calories will remain calories! Any
consumed in excess will be converted into fat. So next time you dive into a
fat-free bag of potato chips or eat too much frozen yogurt, remember,
moderation is the key and portion sizing is as important as the quality of food
itself. Lesson 2…set aside the amount of
food you want to eat before you start eating!
A Healthy Menu For
breakfast, choose 1 cup All Bran cereal topped with 1 small, sliced banana, 1
cup nonfat milk and coffee or tea with a sugar substitute. Lunch can include a
turkey sandwich, 1 cup tossed green salad with 1 Tbsp. olive oil and vinegar
and a baked apple. Your dinner meal includes 1 cup lentil soup, 6 saltine
crackers and 1 cup nonfat milk. For dessert, try one small slice angel food
cake and ½ cup strawberries.
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