Monday, January 7, 2013

Moving Monday With HHWN

Enjoying A Healthy Lifestyle with
 Bryant and Anita Hewitt
Monday January 7, 2013
Food To Chew On:
Monday – Strength for The Day
Deuteronomy 33:25 (KJV)
Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
Thought For The Day:
God’s strength is given to people who are on the move and doing what Love Demands…
Moving Monday, it is a week into the New Year!!!  Wow where did the time go? It is time for us to get on the move... start or go back to the way we were eating (Healthy) and exercising. Always remember the greatest investment you can make is to invent in your health!!! So Let’s Get Moving!!! So this is the day number 7 for the 1,300 calorie meals
A well-planned, 1,300-calorie meal plan can give you all the nutrients you need while helping you reach your weight-loss goals. Planning your meals in advance allows you to shop for all the ingredients you need for healthy, low-calorie meals, so you do not resort to fast food in a pinch. A meal plan can also help you ensure minimal waste, because you buy only what you need. For a 1,300-calorie day, plan for three 350- to 400-calorie meals and two 80- to 125-calorie snacks each day. Tomorrow we will start another calorie meal plan… Have a Healthy Day with Bryant and Anita J
Safety During Your Workout
If you have heart disease it is recommended that you take your blood pressure before and after exercise and at least once during exercise. Also, take your heart rate several times during your workout.
Make sure you perform a thorough warm-up for at least 10 minutes and cool down after exercise has ended for 10 minutes.  These periods need to have low-level limbering and rhythmical movements.
Avoid saunas, steam baths and hot tubs to decrease the risk of dehydration and hyperthermia.
It may be harmful to hold a muscular contraction due to raised blood pressure. Therefore avoid isometric and heavy resistance exercise.  
If you have the flu or a fever, wait until your temperature has returned to normal before exercising.
Keep Fit, Enjoy Flexibility and Fast Track Your Career in Fitness
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), from the years 2010 to 2020, employment of fitness trainers and instructors was predicted to increase by 24 percent. That’s an incredible growth and much more than the average for other professions. If you need more convincing the BLS stated that “As businesses and insurance organizations continue to recognize the benefits of health and fitness programs for their employees, incentives to join gyms or other fitness facilities will increase the need for workers in these areas.”
A career in fitness means that you can also work around other aspects of your life as many people in the field are able to choose flexible hours for both part-time and full-time employment.  Your job doesn’t control you, you control it! Plus when you’re at work instead of being trapped behind a desk you’re actually engaging in physical activity and experiencing the satisfaction of helping other to achieve their goals.
A Healthy Menu For
Day Seven
Start your day with two whole-grain toaster waffles served with 1/2 cup of nonfat, plain Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries and 1 tsp. of honey. For lunch, have an egg white omelet with chopped peppers and onions. Have two slices of whole-wheat toast and 1 cup of fruit salad on the side. For dinner, broil 3 oz. of salmon and have with 1 cup of mashed sweet potato and 10 steamed asparagus spears. For snacks, enjoy a peach and later 1 tbsp. of peanut butter spread on two celery sticks.

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